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Showing posts with label PKK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PKK. Show all posts

Thursday 23 November 2017

Syria congress to go ahead despite Turkey ‘reservations’ over YPG: Kremlin

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov
The Kremlin said on Nov. 23 that Turkey’s opposition to the participation of Kurdish militias in Syria’s political process would not stand in the way of a peace “congress” Moscow is seeking to organize in the near future.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Staffan de Mistura: Kurds must be able to give views. “For me, the only elections that count are those decided by the Security Council"

UN envoy Staffan de Mistura said Saturday that Syria’s Kurds have a right to express their views on the country’s political future, even if they are not invited to next week’s peace talks in Geneva.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Pentagon Approves to Sell Around $700 Million of Smart Bombs to Turkey

The BLU-109’s tail fuse delays the bomb’s detonation until the bomb has penetrated the targeted bunker, ensuring complete destruction of the location...

Saturday 23 January 2016

U.S. ‘prepared’ for military solution in Syria, says VP

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said that the U.S. was prepared for a military solution in Syria if a political solution was not possible.

Monday 18 January 2016

Turkey's Erdogan files $32k lawsuit against opposition leader who called him a 'dictator'

 Attorneys for Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan have filed a lawsuit against a major opposition leader for stating that Erdogan is a dictator, presidential sources and the opposition party told Reuters. The president is reportedly seeking $32,000 in damages.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Erdogan Accuses Kurdish Chief Party of ’Treason’ over Autonomy Call

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday accused the leader of the main Kurdish party Selahattin Demirtas of "treason" over his call for autonomy for the country's Kurdish minority.

Sunday 27 December 2015

Kurdish opposition believes autonomy the only way for peace

A top Kurdish political organization has said the settlement of the Kurdish issue can only be achieved by granting autonomy to Turkey's predominantly Kurdish Southeast, while offering its support to terrorists that built barricades with explosives to create liberated zones in some towns.

Friday 20 November 2015

US, Turkey Poised for Joint Anti-ISIS Operation, Despite Differences

Turkey and the United States have confirmed that their forces are poised to launch a major military operation to close a 98-kilometer strip of the Turkey-Syria border used by Islamic State.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Turkey warns Russia, US over support for anti-IS Kurds in Syria

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Wednesday warned the US and Russia against "unacceptable" military and political support for Syrian Kurdish forces fighting the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Turkey declares three days of mourning after Ankara ‘suicide bombing’

Turkey on Saturday declared three days of national mourning after twin explosions killed at least 86 people at a peace march in the capital Ankara in what the government said was most likely to be a suicide bombing.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Iraqi Kurdistan leadership: PKK should leave

Kurdish rebels of the PKK should move out of Iraqi Kurdistan to prevent Turkish air strikes against them from causing civilian casualties, the region’s leadership said on Saturday.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Abdullah Ocalan urges PKK to move towards ending Turkey conflict

Abdullah Ocalan, the jailed leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), has urged the group to establish a congress on ending its three-decade armed struggle against the Turkish state.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Turkey: 18 killed in Kurdish protests

At least 18 people have been killed in pro-Kurdish protests in southeast Turkey, the Anadulo news agency reported on Wednesday.
The protesters were angry at Ankara’s lack of action to protect Kurdish population of the Syrian border town of Kobane from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Eight of the deaths came in Turkey’s main Kurdish city of Diyarbakir where the most intense rioting took place overnight Tuesday to Wednesday, a local security official told AFP.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Türkisches Parlament verlängert Mandat für Militäroperationen im Nordirak/Turkish Parliament approves northern Iraq motion despite opposition from BDP.

Das türkische Parlament hat das Mandat für Militäroperationen im Nordirak und für die Entsendung von Soldaten in die Krisenregion nach TV-Angaben um ein Jahr verlängert.

Im Rahmen des Kampfes gegen den Terrorismus hatte die Regierung in Ankara das Parlament zuvor ersucht, das am 17. Oktober auslaufende Mandat zu prolongieren, wie der türkische Fernsehsender NTV am Donnerstag berichtete. Die türkische Armee führt regelmäßig Operationen im Nordirak gegen die kurdischen Extremisten durch, die sich in der Region verschanzt haben. Es geht hauptsächlich um Luftangriffe auf die Positionen der Kurden.

Monday 21 January 2013

Militantes kurdes assassinées : un suspect mis en examen

Ce trentenaire, proche des victimes, a été placé en détention provisoire. Il avait été arrêté jeudi, en compagnie d'un autre homme, qui a, lui, été libéré.

Un proche des militantes kurdes assassinées le 9 janvier à Paris a été mis en examen lundi pour assassinat et le parquet a requis son placement en détention provisoire, a annoncé le procureur de la République, François Molins. «L’individu est susceptible d'être le ou l’un des auteurs des faits», a précisé ce dernier lors d’une conférence de presse.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Militantes kurdes tuées : ce que l'on sait

Plusieurs douilles ont été retrouvées près des corps des trois femmes dans les locaux du Centre d'Information du Kurdistan, à Paris. Une enquête est en cours, jeudi 10 janvier, après la découverte des corps de trois militantes kurdes dans les locaux du Centre d'Information du Kurdistan, au premier étage du 147 rue Lafayette, dans le 10eme arrondissement de Paris. Un drame qui intervient au moment où le gouvernement turc et Abdullah Ocalan sont en discussion pour un arrêt des hostilités qui durent depuis 1984 et, comme l'indique un des nombreux membres de la communauté kurde rassemblés jeudi matin au pied de l'immeuble, "travaillent à un processus de paix."

1. Que s'est-il passé ?

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