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Showing posts with label le climat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label le climat. Show all posts

Monday 11 November 2013

A top EU polluter, Poland, hosts UN climate summit.

The annual UN climate conference opened Monday in Poland, a European country that has been singled out for its pollution. Negotiations will continue until 2015, when an emissions agreement must be signed....

By Anne-Diandra LOUARN (text)
 Smokestacks as high as the Eiffel Tower, 30 million tons of carbon dioxide produced each year … welcome to the Bełchatów Power Station in Poland.
This giant thermal plant produces 20 percent of the country’s electricity and has its own mine for the extraction of lignite, or brown coal.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Millions face starvation as world warms, say scientists ... World is unprepared for changes that will see parts of Africa turned into disaster areas, say food experts

Millions of people could become destitute in Africa and Asia as staple foods more than double in price by 2050 as a result of extreme temperatures, floods and droughts that will transform the way the world farms.
As food experts gather at two major conferences to discuss how to feed the nine billion people expected to be alive in 2050, leading scientists have told the Observer that food insecurity risks turning parts of Africa into permanent disaster areas. Rising temperatures will also have a drastic effect on access to basic foodstuffs, with potentially dire consequences for the poor.

Monday 17 September 2012

Doit-on modifier génétiquement l’homme pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique ?

L'égoïsme est l'avenir de l'homme. Face au réchauffement climatique qui constitue un des plus grands défis collectifs de notre temps, la réponse des nations est un grand jeu de la patate chaude. Chacun a une excellente raison de demander à son voisin de faire l'effort le premier, qui parce qu'il a un niveau de vie à préserver, qui parce qu'il a une économie à faire décoller, qui parce qu'il a du pétrole à exploiter. Le protocole de Kyoto sur la réduction des gaz à effet de serre a échoué et son successeur est mort-né. Chacun préserve ses intérêts particuliers et tous foncent vers une fin de siècle à +2 ou +3°C et des siècles suivants encore plus chauds. A moins que........

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