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Showing posts with label eurozone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eurozone. Show all posts

Thursday 27 December 2012

Für Rekapitalisierung: Griechische Banken benötigen 27,5 Milliarden Euro ...

Die vier größten griechischen Banken benötigen für ihre Rekapitalisierung 27,5 Milliarden Euro. Hintergrund sind Veruste aufgrund der Beteiligung am Schuldenschnitt. Doch die genannte Summe ist nur ein Teil dessen, was tatsächlich gebraucht wird.
Die Bank von Griechenland gab am Donnerstag bekannt, dass die vier großen Geldhäuser des Landes für ihre Rekapitalisierung 27,5 Milliarden Euro benötigen. Insgesamt seien für den Bankensektor 40,5 Milliarden erforderlich, heißt es in einem Bericht der Zentralbank. Die Nationalbank, Griechenlands größtes Kreditinstitut, braucht demnach 9,75 Milliarden Euro, und die Alpha Bank, das zweitgrößte griechische Geldhaus, 4,57 Milliarden Euro. Auf die Eurobank, Griechenlands drittgrößtes Kreditinstitut, entfallen 5,83 Milliarden Euro und auf die Bank von Piräus 7,33 Milliarden Euro.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Mere cash injection may not be enough

By Dimitris Kontogiannis
The Greek government has invested a lot in the long-awaited bailout tranches to cope with the developing credit crunch and bring the economy to the stabilization phase late next year. However, a closer look at the figures indicates the positive impact may be less than hoped for, and therefore the risk of disappointment on the back of fostering high expectations should not be ignored or underestimated.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Leading Greek banks in the doldrums and need over $17bn to recapitalize

The two largest banks in crisis-stricken Greece need a total of €13bn ($17.2bn) to recapitalize, as they took huge losses in the country’s debt restructuring.
Greece’s second largest bank by assets, Eurobank, needs €5.8bn, with the fourth largest lender Piraeus Bank being short of €7.3bn, according to the Wall Street Journal. In the first 9 months of the year the two banks reported combined losses of €1.7bn, with a huge part of that due the banks’ participation in the country’s debt restructuring programme.
The four biggest banks in Greece were left technically insolvent, after they joined the €200bn debt restructuring programme. It left them dependent on extremely expensive loans from euro zone member states and the International Monetary Fund.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

The geopolitical fallout of a Greek euro exit

By Tom Ellis & Achilleas Patsoukas
Geece’s debt crisis has captured international headlines over the past couple of years. Virtually all analysts have focused on Greece’s deficit and mammoth debt, which pose a threat to the entire European economy.

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