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Friday 27 April 2018

Trump has not decided on Iran nuclear deal, Pompeo says

Iran nuclear deal
New U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said President Donald Trump has not taken a decision on whether to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal but was not likely to keep to it without substantial changes.

"There's been no decision, so the team is working and I am sure we will have lots of conversations to deliver what the president has made clear," Pompeo told a news conference after a NATO meeting of foreign ministers.

"Absent a substantial fix, absent overcoming the flaws of the deal, he is unlikely to stay in that deal," Pompeo said.

On May 12, Trump has to decide whether to renew a waiver on sanctions on Iran, as agreed under the 2015 deal which curbed Tehran's nuclear program.

The president has already indicated he wants to scrap the deal, to the dismay of his European allies.

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