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Tuesday 31 December 2013

Proche-Orient: pessimisme ambiant avant une nouvelle mission de Kerry

La libération de 26 prisonniers palestiniens par Israël avant la nouvelle mission au Proche-Orient du secrétaire d'Etat John Kerry, la 10e depuis mars, n'a pas dissipé le pessimisme ambiant sur les chances de progrès dans les négociations de paix.

Ces libérations, survenues mardi avant l'aube, sont conformes aux engagements pris auprès des Etats-Unis et des Palestiniens par le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu de relâcher en quatre étapes un total de 104 détenus palestiniens afin de permettre la relance des négociations de paix qui ont repris fin juillet dernier.
Deux premiers contingents de prisonniers avaient été relâchés le 13 août et le 30 octobre. Le dernier groupe de Palestiniens doit être libéré en février.
Les festivités qui ont accompagné comme d'habitude la libération des prisonniers -considérés comme des "combattants héroïques" chez eux- ont été dénoncées en Israël.

Monday 30 December 2013

IOC Confident of Safe, Secure Games in Sochi despite Terror Spree/Sécurité des JO 2014: le CIO confiant malgré les attentats de Volgograd

After two deadly suicide bombs in two days in Russia's Volgograd, the International Olympic Committee president has voiced confidence Russian authorities will deliver "safe and secure" Games in Sochi.

Thomas Bach wrote to President Vladimir Putin to express condolences for the two deadly attacks that struck Volgograd within 24 hours.

In his letter to Putin, Bach said he was "certain that everything will be done to ensure the security of the athletes and all the participants of the Olympic Games", which open on 7 February.

Sunday 29 December 2013

Israel aprueba la anexión de los asentamientos del valle del Jordán

La Comisión de Asuntos Legislativos del Gobierno israelí aprobó hoy un proyecto de ley para la anexión de los asentamientos judíos en el valle del Jordán, territorio ocupado por Israel desde 1967.

La comisión, antesala a los proyectos de ley que el Gobierno presenta al parlamento, aprobó la propuesta por ocho votos a favor y tres en contra, los de los ministros Yair Lapid, Tzipi Livni y Yaacov Pery, informa la edición digital del diario 'Haaretz'.

Presentado por la diputada del Likud Miri Regev, del ala más derechista del partido Likud, que encabeza el primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, el proyecto busca aplicar la legislación israelí en todas las colonias israelíes y en las carreteras que conducen a ellos, lo que de facto se traduciría en la anexión del territorio.

Thursday 26 December 2013

UN agency condemns Israeli demolition of Arab homes, urges adherence to international law

26 December 2013 – The United Nations agency assisting Palestinian refugees today condemned Israel’s latest demolitions in the West Bank which have displaced 68 people, including 32 children, in the depths of winter, saying it is violating international law and calling on it to abide by its obligations.
“Because of these demolitions, which violate international law, these historically self-sufficient communities have been forced to endure the pitiless seasonal weather in inadequate housing, entirely dependent on international assistance,” the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said of the demolitions which took place on Christmas Eve in Ein Ayoub near Ramallah and Fasayil Al Wusta near Jericho in the Jordan valley.

Sunday 22 December 2013

Syrische Armee vernichtet Dutzende Extremisten, darunter ausländische Söldner

Die syrische Armee hat am Samstag dutzende Extremisten, darunter viele ausländische Söldner, getötet, wie die Agentur Sana am Sonntag unter Berufung auf die Regierungskräfte meldet.

„Bei Sonderoperationen in den Orten Duma, Yabrud, Maalula und Zabadani wurden Dutzende Extremisten, darunter Bürger Saudi-Arabiens und des Libanon, getötet. Die Armee hat im Raum von Duma eine Anti-Terror-Operation durchgeführt und den Bunker einer bewaffneten Gruppe mit Waffen und Munition zerstört“, heißt es.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Tibetan Monk Self-Immolates to Protest China’s Rule (Graphic Photos). -The total number of Tibetans who set themselves on fire to protest against the Chinese repressive rule has now risen to 124.

DHARAMSHALA: A Tibetan monk died after setting himself on fire in Sangchu county in Kanlho prefecture in northeastern Tibet (incorporated into China’s Gansu Province) on Thursday (19 December), according to reports coming out Tibet.

Tsultrim Gyatso, a 44-year-old monk of Achok Monastery in Labrang Tashikhyil, set fire to himself on the main street in Achok town around 3 pm today. He died on the spot. The local Tibetans immediately took his body into the monastery, where prayer service was conducted by over 400 monks.

Photos of the incident showed his completely charred body in flames and people pouring water to douse the fire.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Russia temporarily cuts gas price by one third to help Ukraine

Russia will provide gas to Ukraine at a price of $ 268.5 dollars per thousand cubic meters which is lower by one third of the previous price which was $ 400 per thousand cubic meters, said Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday after a meeting of the Russian- Ukrainian Interstate Commission.

The agreement was signed between Russia’s "Gazprom" and "Natftogaz Ukraine" in the presence of President Putin and President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Ukraine : l'UE suspend les négociations, les manifestations se poursuivent/John McCain Visits Ukraine, Backs Opposition Protesters

Cette annonce de l'Union européenne intervient alors que 200 000 opposants au président Ianoukovitch sont rassemblés dans les rues de Kiev.
Alors que l'Ukraine s'enfonce dans une grave crise politique, l'Union européenne met la pression. L'UE a annoncé, dimanche 15 décembre qu'elle suspendait les négociations avec Kiev sur l'accord d'association et de libre-échange. Cette décision intervient alors qu'une manifestation monstre est organisée par les pro-européens à Kiev.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Churkin: Syrian Opposition used chemical weapons in a bid to provoke Western invasion ....

UNITED NATIONS, December 14 (Itar-Tass) - Russia’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin has said that chemical attacks in Syria, including the one in Guta on August 21, were staged by the Syrian Opposition, which was trying to provoke armed intervention by Western countries. 

Churkin was speaking at a meeting of the UN General Assembly behind closed doors on Friday. A transcript of his statement has been circulated by Russia’s permanent mission at the United Nations.

Compte à rebours vers le référendum d'indépendance de la Catalogne

"Au moins, nous avons une date. Nous devons voter pour savoir ce que veulent vraiment les Catalans", lance Neus Munter, une universitaire de 21 ans, alors que débute le compte à rebours qui doit mener la Catalogne vers un référendum sur son indépendance.
Cette jeune Barcelonaise est sûre de ses convictions, comme une large partie des 7,5 millions d'habitants de cette région du nord-est de l'Espagne, qui par centaines de milliers avaient formé, le 11 septembre, une chaîne humaine du nord au sud de la région du nord-est de l'Espagne, pour réclamer l'indépendance.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Roumanie: les élus ne pourront plus être poursuivis pour corruption

Le Parquet roumain anticorruption (DNA), le Conseil supérieur de la magistrature et le président Traian Basescu ont vivement critiqué mardi un vote de la Chambre des députés qui aboutit à "exonérer" les élus et le président d'éventuelles sanctions pour corruption.
Selon un amendement au code pénal voté par surprise par la Chambre des députés, où la coalition de centre gauche détient une confortable majorité, "le président de la République, les députés et sénateurs" ne sont plus assimilés à des fonctionnaires publics.

Monday 9 December 2013

Russia Activates Aerospace Defense Radar Aimed at Europe.

MOSCOW, December 9 (RIA Novosti) – Russia has begun testing a new radar designed to detect highly maneuverable aerial targets – including cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles – at a range of up to 3,000 kilometers (over 1,800 miles), allowing it to cover most of Europe.

The new-generation over-the-horizon radar, dubbed Container, was put on trial duty near the town of Kovylkino in Russia’s republic of Mordovia on December 2.

Sunday 8 December 2013

As Ukraine Opposition Rallies Intensify, Lenin Statue Falls. -A group of masked youths apparently belonging to the Svoboda nationalist party used a steel cable to rip it down

KIEV, December 8 (RIA Novosti) – Several hundred thousand people gathered in the Ukrainian capital Sunday for one of the largest protest rallies in the former Soviet nation’s history, throwing down the gauntlet to a government that has resisted calls for negotiation with the opposition.

In an incident that may have spark criminal investigations and cast a shadow over the generally pacific events, however, a group of nationalists ripped down a statue of Soviet revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin.
The mass assembly in Kiev was the biggest to date since the government last month pulled out of preparations to sign landmark political and trade deals with the EU, sparking widespread indignation across Ukraine.

Saturday 7 December 2013

US reassures Gulf allies wary over Iran Defence. -Secretary Chuck Hagel's remarks come at a time of rising tensions in their relationship with the GCC.

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has said the United States will maintain a wide array of military forces in the Middle East to ensure security in the region despite diplomatic overtures toward Iran over its nuclear program.
Hagel, in prepared remarks to the Manama Dialogue security forum in Bahrain, said on Saturday that the Pentagon had no plan to adjust its military presence or planning in the region as a result of an interim accord on Tehran's nuclear enrichment program.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Britain prepares for ‘most serious coastal surge’ for 60 years/UK to witness serious coastal tidal surge

Hurricane-force winds cut transport and power in northern Britain and and blasted towards mainland Europe, as meteorologists warned Storm Xaver could be the worst to hit the continent in years.

British authorities said the Thames Barrier, designed to protect London from flooding during exceptional tides, would shut tonight and warned of “the most serious coastal tidal surge for over 60 years in England”.

Prime minister David Cameron called two emergency meetings to discuss strategy.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Syria: UN humanitarian chief says no progress made on access to hard-to-reach areas

3 December 2013 – Reporting “modest progress” with the Syrian Government on speeding up visa issuance and increasing the number of relief distribution hubs, a top United Nations official said today that with perhaps 250,000 Syrians cut off from aid in besieged communities across the war-torn country, greater efforts are needed to ensure real gains on the humanitarian front.
“I advised the Security Council that we have seen some modest progress in terms of administrative procedures that had been put in place over time,” said Valerie Amos, the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, as she spoke to reporters after briefing the 15-member body on the humanitarian situation in Syria.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Venizelos: We want substantial, not just rhetorical, acknowledgement of the sacrifices and great achievements of the Greek people.

JOURNALIST: What stance will you maintain with the troika from here on in?
E. VENIZELOS: On the margins of today’s Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers, and ahead of tomorrow’s meeting between the Greek government and the College of EU Commissioners, I am having a series of meetings in which my message – Greece’s message, the message of the Greek people and our government – is very, very clear: We want substantial, not just rhetorical, acknowledgement of the sacrifices and great achievements of the Greek people.

Monday 2 December 2013

UN officials urge concerted action to eradicate modern forms of slavery

2 December 2013 – Top United Nations officials marked the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery today with a call for concerted action to eradicate the contemporary forms of this heinous practice.

“It is vital that we give special consideration to ending modern-day slavery and servitude which affects the poorest, most socially excluded groups – including migrants, women, discriminated ethnic groups, minorities and indigenous peoples,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his message for the Day, observed annually on 2 December.

Saturday 30 November 2013

US Offers to Destroy Part of Syrian Chemical Arsenal – OPCW

BRUSSELS, November 30 (RIA Novosti) - The United States has offered to destroy the most lethal of Syria's chemical weapons on a naval vessel at sea using hydrolysis, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical weapons said Saturday.
Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü announced in a statement to the OPCW Executive Council on Friday that Washington will “contribute a destruction technology, full operational support and financing to neutralize Syria’s priority chemicals, which are to be removed from the country by December 31.”

Friday 29 November 2013

Peking begleitet „feindliche“ Flugzeuge im Luftraum./Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone.-

Während das Außenministerium in Peking versucht, die internationalen Sorgen um eine Eskalation im Inselstreit mit Japan zu zerstreuen, haben chinesische Kampfjets „feindliche“ Flugzeuge „begleitet“.

Die chinesische Regierung gibt weiterhin widersprüchliche Hinweise darauf, wie sie ihre neue „Luftverteidigungszone“ durchsetzen will. Angesichts internationaler Kritik an der vor einer Woche erklärten Zone zeigte sich das Außenministerium am Freitag bemüht, Sorgen über eine Eskalation der Lage zu zerstreuen.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Iraq Warns Turkey Over Kurdistan Oil Ties.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Berlusconi expelled from parliament. -Former prime minister kicked out over his tax fraud conviction - but many believe the 77-year-old can rise again.

The Italian Senate has expelled three-time ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi from Parliament over his tax fraud conviction.
The vote on Wednesday halts the 77-year-old Berlusconi's legislative run for at least six years, but does not mark the end of his political career.
Berlusconi had maintained his defiance ahead of the vote, declaring Wednesday a "day of mourning for democracy" before thousands of cheering, flag-waving supporters outside his Roman palazzo.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Court ruling on Tibet raises concerns over Spain-China relations

[Source: Financial Times]
By Tobias Buck in Madrid and Simon Rabinovitch in Shanghai There is rising concern in Spain over a diplomatic and economic backlash from China, after a criminal court in Madrid called for the arrest of five former Chinese leaders for their role in alleged crimes of genocide in Tibet. The ruling, handed down last week, is aimed at Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese president, Li Peng, the former prime minister, and three other high-ranking ex-officials. The men are said to have held “political or military responsibility” in periods when the Chinese authorities are alleged to have committed human rights abuses against the Tibetan population.

Monday 25 November 2013

Hellenic MoFA: Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Venizelos presents the logo of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union

MFA, Monday, 25 November 2013 
E. VENIZELOS: We now come to the presentation of the logo. The Presidency’s logo is very important, because it is the Presidency’s hallmark.

This hallmark will accompany and certify our every action. It will accompany every event that happens within the framework of our Presidency. I think it sets out in a very clear manner our basic communication strategy for a Greek European Presidency.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Ukraine protesters demand Kiev sign deal with EU.

Clashes between protesters and police erupted Sunday as tens of thousands demanded that Kiev sign a landmark trade deal with the EU next week as planned. Ukraine is widely seen to have bowed to pressure from Moscow not to sign the agreement.

 Tens of thousands of Ukrainian protesters, angered that Kiev has dropped plans to sign a landmark trade deal with the EU, clashed with police on Sunday as they tried to storm the government building in the capital.

Protesters waving EU flags tried to break through the police ranks surrounding the building, with some throwing stones and hitting officers with the signs they were carrying, as police fought back with batons and tear gas.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Iran and six world powers meeting in Geneva say they have reached a deal on Tehran's nuclear programme.

Iran is to curb its nuclear activities, initially for six months, in return for limited relief from sanctions. 
US President Barack Obama welcomed the deal, saying it included "substantial limitations which will help prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon".
  But Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has insisted Iran retains its right to enrich uranium.

Crise diplomatique entre l'Egypte et la Turquie, les relations réduites.

La crise entre l'Egypte et la Turquie, née avec la destitution du président islamiste Mohamed Morsi et la répression de ses partisans, s'est aggravée samedi, Le Caire expulsant l'ambassadeur de Turquie en réduisant sa représentation diplomatique et Ankara appliquant la "réciprocité".
Il s'agit de la mesure diplomatique la plus drastique prise par l'Egypte face aux critiques qui se sont élevées à l'étranger contre la répression menée par les autorités installées par l'armée. Celle-ci a fait plus d'un millier de morts, en majorité des manifestants pro-Morsi, et conduit à plusieurs milliers d'arrestations.
Le Premier ministre turc Recep Tayip Erdogan, proche de la confrérie des Frères musulmans à laquelle appartient M. Morsi, avait qualifié sa destitution le 3 juillet par l'armée de "coup d'Etat". Depuis la dispersion le 14 août dans un bain de sang de manifestants pro-Morsi, il a multiplié les condamnations, évoquant un "très grave massacre" de manifestants "pacifiques".

China Expands Defense Zone to Include Islands Claimed by Japan...

China's defense ministry has released an air defense zone map for the East China Sea that includes islands controlled by Japan, but claimed by China.

In a statement on its website Saturday, the ministry said that under a new set of rules, all aircraft entering the zone must notify Chinese authorities and are subject to emergency military measures if they do not identify themselves or obey orders from Beijing. The statement said the rules went into effect on Saturday.

There was no immediate response from Japan, but earlier this month, Japan scrambled fighter jets in the East China Sea after it spotted what it said was an unmanned aircraft flying toward Japan.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Allemagne: Merkel se résoud à un salaire minimum généralisé. -De 8,50 euros (horaire).....

AFP - La chancelière allemande Angela Merkel a affirmé jeudi que l'Allemagne allait se doter d'un salaire minimum généralisé, une concession faite à ses futurs partenaires de gouvernement sociaux-démocrates.

"Nous allons décider des choses que, au vu de mon programme, je ne considère pas comme justes, parmi elles un salaire minimum généralisé", a dit la chancelière dans un discours à Berlin, évoquant les négociations en cours entre son parti conservateur et les sociaux-démocrates (SPD) pour former un gouvernement.

"Une appréciation réaliste (de la situation) montre que les sociaux-démocrates ne vont pas conclure les négociations sans" un salaire minimum, une de leurs revendications centrales, a-t-elle dit, ne livrant aucun détail sur son niveau ou sa date d'introduction.

Netanjahu blitzt bei Putin mit Vorstoß gegen den Iran-Deal ab. -2012 lag der gegenseitige Handelsumsatz bei 2,9 Milliarden Dollar.

Der israelische Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu ist am Mittwoch nach Moskau gekommen, um Präsident Wladimir Putin davon zu überzeugen, von der Lockerung der Sanktionen gegen den Iran abzusehen, schreibt die „Nesawissimaja Gaseta“ am Donnerstag.

Netanjahu blitzte mit seinem Anliegen bei Putin ab. Allerdings lobten beide die erfolgreiche Entwicklung der russisch-israelischen Beziehungen. 

Moskau warnte Israel vor Militärschlägen in Syrien, weil die radikalen Islamisten davon profitieren würden.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

La position de l'Iran sur la France et Israël "complique la négociation" (Paris)...

La position du guide suprême iranien, l'ayatollah Ali Khamenei, sur la France et Israël complique la négociation sur le programme nucléaire de l'Iran, rapportent mercredi les médias français, se référant à la porte-parole du gouvernement français, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem.

"Les propos de Khamenei sont inacceptables et compliquent la négociation", a déclaré lors de son point de presse hebdomadaire Mme Vallaud-Belkacem, ajoutant que la position de Paris dans cette négociation était "ferme mais pas fermée".

L'ayatollah a désigné la France comme le responsable numéro un de l'échec des pourparlers de Genève sur le nucléaire iranien entre Téhéran et les Six (Etats-Unis, Chine, Russie, Grande-Bretagne, France et Allemagne), le 10 novembre dernier.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Científicos descubren volcán bajo hielo de la Antártida occidental.

Científicos de Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) hallaron un volcán activo a un kilómetro bajo el hielo de la Antártida occidental. El hallazgo preocupa a los expertos que temen que las altas temperaturas generadas incremente la tasa de derretimiento del hielo de una de las principales corrientes del continente, informó este lunes la prensa internacional.

El descubrimiento fue publicado el fin de semana en la revista Nature Geosciene y este se produjo cuando los expertos estudiaban la región de Marie Byrd Land, en la Antártida
El profesor de Ciencias Terrestres y Planetarias en la Universidad de Washington en St. Louis, EE.UU., Doug Wiens, quien forma parte del equipo de científicos, detalló que es el hallazgo se realizó al detectar un alto flujo de calor a través de la corteza en la región de Marie Byrd Land que "puede influir en la estabilidad del hielo de la Antártida".

Azeri, Armenian Presidents Discuss Nagorno-Karabakh Dispute. -First meeting in two years.

VIENNA, November 19 (RIA Novosti) – The leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia met Tuesday in Vienna in an attempt to resolve a decades-old territorial conflict, an Armenian diplomat said.

Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan met in Vienna’s Palais Coburg hotel for about two hours to discuss the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute, the diplomat said.

The negotiations, mediated by the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, marked the first time the presidents have met in two years.

Monday 18 November 2013

Netanyahu calls on Abbas to address Israeli parliament.

JERUSALEM: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday invited Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas to address the Israeli parliament and publicly recognise Jewish links to the land of Israel.

"I call on him from here today: let's break the deadlock," Netanyahu said in a special address to the parliament, or Knesset, in honour of a visit by French President Francois Hollande.

"Come to the Israeli Knesset and I'll come to Ramallah," he said, referring to Abbas's West Bank headquarters.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Grèce: manifestation pour l'anniversaire du soulèvement de 1973 contre les colonels.

AFP - Des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont manifesté dimanche en Grèce, encadrées par de nombreux policiers, pour marquer le 40e anniversaire du soulèvement étudiant contre la dictature des colonels et protester contre la politique d'austérité du gouvernement.
A Athènes, au moins 12.000 manifestants, selon la police, ont défilé, comme chaque année, jusqu'à l'ambassade des Etats-Unis, accusés d'avoir soutenu la junte des colonels.
Le défilé, qui s'est déroulé sans incidents, était canalisé par pas moins de 6.000 policiers anti-émeutes.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Klimawandel: Klimaflüchtlinge haben Anspruch auf unsere Hilfe

Der Klimawandel macht viele zu Flüchtlingen, doch das internationale Recht erkennt sie nicht als solche an. Wir müssen einsehen, dass wir verantwortlich sind.  

Ein Gastbeitrag von Marcus O. Hedahl*
Ioane Teitiota, ein Bürger des winzigen Insel-Archipels Kiribati, will nicht in seine Heimat zurück. Er will der erste juristisch anerkannte Klimaflüchtling der Welt werden. Neuseeland möchte ihn abschieben. Teitiota hat im Oktober vor Gericht Berufung dagegen eingelegt. "Wir haben keine Zukunft, wenn wir zurückkehren", sagte er dem Gericht. Auf Kiribati wartet eine ganz konkrete Bedrohung auf ihn: Die Korallenriffe der Insel erodieren, die Flutwellen werden immer öfter und höher und – das Schlimmste – der Meeresspiegel steigt und steigt.

Friday 15 November 2013

Bruselas dictamina que España no vulnera las normas de la UE al endurecer los controles en Gibraltar...

    1.La Comisión ofrece recomendaciones para evitar conflictos como el de este verano
    2. España elevó los controles después de que el Peñón lanzara bloques de hormigón
    3. 'La gestión de este paso constituye un reto por los fuertes volúmenes del tráfico'
    4. Satisfacción del Gobierno español: 'Da la razón a nuestra forma de proceder'

La Comisión Europea ha dictaminado este viernes que España no ha infringido las normas de la Unión Europea al endurecer los controles fronterizos en Gibraltar desde el verano tras el conflicto con las autoridades del Peñón por el lanzamiento de bloques de hormigón en la bahía de Algeciras.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Exportdebatte: Daran krankt unsere Wirtschaft wirklich.

Was ist schlecht daran, wenn Deutschland viel exportiert? Erst einmal nichts, findet die EU-Kommission. "Es ist sehr gut für Europa, dass Deutschland solch eine wettbewerbsfähige Volkswirtschaft bleibt. Wir bräuchten mehr Deutschlands in Europa", sagte ihr Präsident José Manuel Barroso.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Black Market in Lebanon: Syrian Refugees Selling Organs to Survive.

In the shadow of the Syrian civil war, a growing number of refugees are surviving in Lebanon by illegally selling their own organs. But the exchange comes at a huge cost. 

The young man, who called himself Raïd, wasn't doing well. He climbed into the backseat of the car, in pain, careful not to touch any corners. He was exhausted and dizzy. A large bandage looped around his stomach, caked with blood. Despite that, the 19-year-old Syrian wanted to tell his story.  

Monday 11 November 2013

A top EU polluter, Poland, hosts UN climate summit.

The annual UN climate conference opened Monday in Poland, a European country that has been singled out for its pollution. Negotiations will continue until 2015, when an emissions agreement must be signed....

By Anne-Diandra LOUARN (text)
 Smokestacks as high as the Eiffel Tower, 30 million tons of carbon dioxide produced each year … welcome to the Bełchatów Power Station in Poland.
This giant thermal plant produces 20 percent of the country’s electricity and has its own mine for the extraction of lignite, or brown coal.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Erstmals Olympia-Fackellauf im Weltall.

Erstmals findet eine Etappe des Olympia-Fackellaufs im Weltraum statt. Die russischen Kosmonauten Oleg Kotow und Sergej Rjasanski unternahmen am Samstag einen Weltraumspaziergang mit der Fackel der Olympischen Winterspiele 2014 in Sotschi. 

Friday 8 November 2013

Israeli PM to Kerry: We won't be bound by agreement with Iran.

JERUSALEM, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Israel will not be bound to any agreements reached between Iran and the six world powers, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry prior to his departure from Israel on Friday.

Netanyahu met with Kerry at the airport on Friday morning, just before Kerry was to continue on to Geneva to join the talks between Iran and the Western countries.

The meeting was described as "tense" with Netanyahu saying before it that Israel vehemently opposes the apparent deal that seems to come into play on the Iranian nuclear plan.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Hazardous asteroids may be more numerous than previously thought, scientists say.

By Joel Achenbach

There are scads of building-size, potentially hazardous asteroids lurking in Earth’s immediate neighborhood, and they may be colliding with the planet 10 times more often than scientists have previously believed, according to a new study published Wednesday that examined the airburst of a 25-million-pound asteroid earlier this year near the Russian city of Chelyabinsk.
Three studies released Wednesday, two in the journal Nature and one in the journal Science, have provided the most detailed description and analysis of the dramatic event on the morning of Feb. 15. 

Scientists now estimate the diameter of the object at just a hair under 20 meters, or about 65 feet. Undetected by astronomers, the rock came out of the glare of the sun and hit the atmosphere at 43,000 miles per hour.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Qatar slams 'unconditional' proposed Syria talks.

AFP - Qatar's emir criticised Tuesday what he claimed were unconditional terms for a proposed peace conference on Syria, saying the talks would lead nowhere and should focus on "achieving justice" for Syria's people.

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, whose country has been a main backer of the Syrian rebellion, criticised "attempts by some to substitute achieving justice for the (Syrian) people, who have paid the heaviest price... with unconditional negotiations that lack a timeframe and lead nowhere."

His remarks come as Washington, Moscow and the United Nations are trying to fix a date for the so-called Geneva II talks bringing all sides together to discuss a political solution to the Syrian conflict.

Monday 4 November 2013

Turkish patrol seizes over a ton of chemicals from smugglers at Syria border.

Turkish border guards seized three vehicles loaded with over 1,000 kg of chemicals as they tried to illegally cross the border into Syria. One of the smugglers was arrested, while others managed to escape.
The Turkish General Staff reported that the chemicals were seized after a convoy of three vehicles refused to stop and attempted to illegally cross the border near the southeastern Turkish town of Reyhanli on Saturday.

Paramilitary police were ordered to shoot out the tires of the vehicles to stop them. As the tires caught on fire, the three drivers jumped out and fled in the direction of Syria. One of them was arrested.

The vehicles contained 20 bags of sulphur, weighing about 50 kg each, and eight sealed barrels. Their contents were not immediately known.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Kosovo: UN mission strongly condemns violence related to upcoming elections.

2 November 2013 – On the eve of municipal elections in Kosovo, the United Nations mission there said that police and international security are undertaking all necessary measures to ensure a safe election period following attacks at least two of the candidates.
“UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo) strongly condemns the recent violence against figures involved in the election process,” a spokesperson said, adding that while the nature of their cause is still being investigated, “such attacks must be condemned by all.”
The democratic process demands an environment free of violence and intimidation, the Mission stressed.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Greece probes extremist link to the two young people murders.

AFP - Greek authorities believe an extremist group may be behind a drive-by shooting outside the offices of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party in which two men were killed and another wounded, sources close to the investigation said Saturday.

Investigators are examining "all avenues, particularly those that link these events to extremist groups" behind a series of attacks on politicians, police, banks and the media, according to one source.

The revelation came as the mother of the wounded man, 29-year-old Alexandros Gerontas, called on Greek people to "overcome their differences" for the good of the country and to "stop the bloodshed".

Thursday 31 October 2013

Moody's droht Österreich mit Abstufung...

Die US-Ratingagentur Moody's hat in einem aktuellen Länderreport Österreichs Wirtschaft gelobt, jedoch davor gewarnt, dass das Land seine Bestnote Triple-A verlieren könnte, wenn es erneut dem Bankensektor unter die Arme greifen muss. Die Qualität der Aktiva und die Kapitalisierung der heimischen Banken bleibe schwach, so die Bonitätsbewerter am Donnerstag in einem Statement.

Moody's hatte Österreich im Februar 2012 einen negativen Ausblick verpasst und diesen im September 2012 bestätigt. Grund war, neben der internationalen Schuldenkrise, die hohe Präsenz der heimischen Banken in Osteuropa.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

UN chief Ban slams Israeli plans to advance east J'lem, West Bank construction....

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday blasted an Israeli announcement made earlier in the day to advance settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

Ban condemned as "contrary to international law" the move announced by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in conjunction with Israel's release early Wednesday morning of 26 long-serving Palestinian prisoners.

He added that further Israeli building in areas over the Green Line constituted "an obstacle to peace".

However, Ban stated his appreciation for Israel's undertaking the "difficult step" of releasing the second batch of pre-Oslo prisoners amid "deep domestic opposition" as a gesture for continuing peace talks with the Palestinian Authority.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

RF ambassador: Loosening of veto right unlikely to help enhance UN Security Council efficiency.

UNITED NATIONS, October 29 (Itar-Tass) - Russia does not share the idea that the United Nations Security Council would work better if the right of its permanent members to block its resolutions is loosened, Russian Premanent Representative at the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said on Tuesday.

“It is a profound mistake to believe that the loosening of the veto powers might help enhance the efficiency of the Security Council,” he said. “On the contrary, it will have a reverse effect leading to “rubber-stamping” approaches that reflect the opinion of one group of states. The United Nations was conceived not for that.”

Monday 28 October 2013

China Intensifies Press on Japan in East China Sea Dispute...

China is stepping up pressure on Japan in a long-running maritime dispute, deploying Chinese vessels near contested East China Sea islands and accusing Japanese leaders of making provocative statements.

Japan said four Chinese coast guard patrol ships entered the disputed waters on Monday morning, prompting Japanese authorities to warn the vessels to leave the area, which they did a short time later.

Chinese ships have sailed near the islets on dozens of occasions in the past year. Such incidents typically end within several hours, with the Chinese vessels leaving the area after trading warnings and sovereignty claims with the Japanese.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Chinesische Kampfjets erneut in der Nähe japanischen Luftraums registriert. -Senkaku/Diaoyu issue.

Zwei Kampfjets Xian H-6 und zwei Militärtransportflugzeuge Shaanxi Y-8 der chinesischen Fliegerkräfte haben am Freitag und am Samstag Flüge zwischen den südjapanischen Inseln Miyakojima und Okinawa unternommen.

 Wie der Vereinigte Stab der Selbstverteidigungskräfte Japans mitteilte, wurde zwar der japanische Luftraum nicht verletzt, dennoch mussten japanische Jagdflugzeuge in die Luft steigen.

Erstmals waren Flüge chinesischer Militärflugzeuge zwischen den japanischen Inseln im Juli registriert. 

Japan fasst diese Aktionen als eine Demonstration der wachsenden Militärmacht Chinas und dessen militärischer Präsenz in der Region.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Die Supermacht ist in kleinmütige Paranoia gestürzt...

Der Überwachungswahn der USA schadet Washington weltweit – und sie lassen Barack Obamas moralischen Gestus zunehmend zweifelhaft erscheinen. Dabei hat das Land Verbündete bitter nötig.  

Einbestellte US-Botschafter in Paris, Mexico City und Berlin, zwei wütende Beschwerdeanrufe von europäischen Staatschefs bei Barack Obama innerhalb einer halben Woche: Es sind nicht gerade erfolgreiche Tage der amerikanischen Außenpolitik, die zwischen Freund und Feind kaum Unterschiede zu machen scheint. Dies mindestens ist der unangenehme Eindruck, den immer neue Enthüllungen über die Ausspähung von Verbündeten und sogar ihren Regierungschefs durch US-Geheimdienste aufdrängen.

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