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Showing posts with label Commission européenne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commission européenne. Show all posts

Thursday 16 April 2015

European Commission calls 1915 events 'tragedy'

The European Commission has refused to call the 1915 events a "genocide" following the European Parliament’s resolution on the contrary.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

EU gives France until 2017 to fix budget deficit

The EU on Wednesday gave France until 2017 to bring its budget deficit back into line with Brussels’ rules, meaning the eurozone's second biggest economy will avoid a fine for now.

Monday 12 May 2014

Commissioner Malmström deplores loss of life in boat tragedy between Libya and Lampedusa

European Commission, Statement, Brussels, 12 May 2014/Anna Cecilia Malmström (European Commissioner for Home Affairs):
"I am deeply shocked by the new tragedy that took place in international waters between Libya and Lampedusa, resulting in at least a dozen deaths. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. Let me thank the Italian authorities for their huge efforts in putting in place the Mare Nostrum operation, also supported by the European Commission, which has saved and continues to save tens of thousands of lives. 

Friday 21 March 2014

EU is aware that Ukrainian economy is in really terrible shape. - analyst

The European Commission has proposed another 1 billion euro for Kiev, which will come as a part of the 11 billion euro package agreed earlier in March. A rapidly worsening balance-of-payments and weak fiscal situation in the wake of the latest developments in Ukraine pushed the EU to consider a new perk. The Voice of Russia talked to Lilit Gevorgyan is a Russia/CIS country analyst with IHS Global Insight and Jane's Information Group.

How can this financial aid change the situation in Ukraine? In your opinion, will it somehow help to stabilize the country’s economy?

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Developments following the Swiss referendum on 9th February. -Statement by European Commissioner László Andor

On behalf of European Commission to European Parliament plenary session.
Honourable Members,
Let me say a few words on the recent developments following the Swiss referendum held on 9 February.
As you know, the Free Movement Agreement between the EU and Switzerland, confers on EU citizens and their family members a right to move to Switzerland, to reside there and carry out an economic activity as an employed or self-employed person (and of course the corresponding right of Swiss nationals in the EU).

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Pour Hollande, Bruxelles "n'a pas à nous dicter ce que nous avons à faire".....

"La commission européenne n'a pas à dicter ce que nous avons à faire." François Hollande a répliqué sur un mode souverain, mercredi 29 mai, à l'issue d'une visite de l'usine Bosch d' Onet le Château (Aveyron), en périphérie de Rodez, alors que la Commission européenne a demandé à la France de mettre en œuvre davantage de réformes structurelles.

Friday 28 December 2012

Jacques Delors suggère au Royaume-Uni de quitter l'UE

En réponse aux demandes du Premier ministre David Cameron, qui souhaite pouvoir désengager son pays de certaines décisions européennes, l'ancien président de la Commission lui propose de choisir un autre type de partenariat.
Jacques Delors, ex-président de la Commission européenne, suggère vendredi au Royaume-Uni, hostile à plus d’intégration européenne, de quitter l’UE et d’opter pour une autre forme de partenariat avec le Vieux continent. «Les Britanniques s’intéressent seulement à leurs intérêts économiques, à rien de plus. On pourrait leur proposer une autre forme de partenariat», estime Jacques Delors, dans un entretien au quotidien économique allemand Handelsblatt.

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