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Showing posts with label Cuba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cuba. Show all posts

Friday 18 May 2018

Cuba plane: More than 100 die in Havana air crash

More than 100 die in Havana air crash
More than 100 people have died after a Boeing 737 airliner crashed and exploded near Jose Marti International Airport in Havana, Cuban state media says.

Monday 3 October 2016

Cuba ready to meet threat of powerful hurricane Matthew

The Cuban government has taken active measures to prepare for the impact of hurricane Matthew, a Category 4 storm, in its eastern regions.

An initial hurricane watch for the island's eastern areas shows the region could be hit by Matthew on Monday evening, the office of Civil Defense said on Sunday.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Colombia and FARC sign historic ceasefire deal

The Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have signed a ceasefire, which includes the armed group laying down their arms after more than 50 years of conflict.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Obama says US restoring ties with Cuba (five decades after diplomatic relations were severed)

The United States will restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba more than 50 years after they were severed, US President Barack Obama has said, just hours after Havana announced it had released a US aid worker who had been jailed for five years in Cuba.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Russia considers maintenance of embargo against Cuba unacceptable

Moscow believes that the maintenance of embargo against Cuba is totally unacceptable, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said after a meeting with his Cuban counterpart, Bruno Rodriguez.

“We think the maintenance of the embargo against Cuba contrary to the will of a vast majority of UN member-states is absolutely unacceptable,” he said.

Sanctions against Cuba were introduced in 1960 in response to the expropriation of Americans’ properties. They were expanded later on up to a virtually full commercial and economic blockade of the island.

Saturday 12 April 2014

France sends first foreign minister to Cuba in 30 years

 HAVANA: France's foreign minister was expected to arrive in Cuba on Saturday for a brief but historic visit, the first by such a high-ranking French official in 30 years and a sign of the quickening pace of improving ties between the European Union and Havana.

Foreign minister Laurent Fabius was scheduled to have a working lunch with his Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez before meeting with Cardinal Jaime Ortega and then French businessmen.

Rodriguez met with Laurent in Paris last month.

Friday 4 April 2014

Obama administration: ‘Cuban Twitter’ discreet, not covert

WASHINGTON D.C.: -The Obama administration denied on Thursday that a secretive program allegedly used to foment unrest and unseat the communist government in Cuba was covert.

The Associated Press revealed the existence of the U.S.-backed social media network, known as ZunZuneo – Cuban slang for a hummingbird’s chirp – in a report on Thursday. The program was run through shell companies and financed using a Cayman Islands bank account, according to the Associated Press’ (AP) investigation.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Cuba celebra los 87 años de vida del Comandante Fidel Castro (video euronewsGreek)

“Fidel no le pertenece sólo a Cuba, le pertenece a este mundo nuestro, a esta América nuestra. Después de casi medio siglo de lucha, Fidel les puede mostrar la cara con integridad plena y con moral absoluta, no sólo al pueblo cubano, sino a todos los pueblos del mundo”, expresó Hugo Chávez años atrás.

El líder histórico de la Revolución Cubana, Fidel Castro, celebra este martes su cumpleaños número 87 y, aunque no está previsto que participe en algún acto público, el pueblo de Cuba le rendirá homenaje con la realización de un concierto popular, la presentación de dos libros y la inauguración de una exposición fotográfica.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Maduro acusa a los enemigos de Venezuela de enfermar a Chávez.

El vicepresidente de la República venezolana, Nicolás Maduro, está ofreciendo una comparecencia pública retransmitida en televisión en la que ha acusado a los enemigos de Venezuela de llevar a cabo planes para desestabilizar el país. Maduro ha asegurado que en el futuro una comisión de investigación revelará que la enfermedad del presidente Hugo Chávez fue provocada por los "enemigos de la patria".

Maduro ha anunciado, asimismo, la expulsión de un un agregado militar de la embajada estadounidense, David del Mónaco, por intentar captar a militares venezolanos "para desestabilizar al país".

Sunday 13 January 2013

Les Cubains autorisés à voyager hors de leur île

La direction communiste s'apprête à assouplir les restrictions qui pèsent depuis un demi-siècle sur la population de l'île. Comme tout Cubain, la vendeuse de cacahuètes de la rue Respublica à Camaguey n'a qu'un mot à la bouche: «Voyager.» Cette mulâtresse qui rêve d'ailleurs apostrophe un client. «Désormais, avec un passeport cubain, tu vas pouvoir voyager partout dans le monde», insiste-t-elle. «Et le visa?», questionne son vis-à-vis. «Un simple papier. Un détail», répond-elle.
Les Cubains vibrent pour une nouvelle révolution, celle du voyage. Elle a été annoncée en octobre par le Granma, l'organe officiel du Parti communiste cubain. Avec un titre: «Cuba actualise sa politique migratoire».

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Ενημέρωση για την υγεία του Ούγκο Τσάβες ζητά η αντιπολίτευση

Ο κύριος συνασπισμός της αντιπολίτευσης της Βενεζουέλας ζήτησε σήμερα από την κυβέρνηση να πει "την αλήθεια" σχετικά με την κατάσταση της υγείας του προέδρου Ούγκο Τσάβες, ο οποίος εισήχθη σε νοσοκομείο της Κούβας πριν από τρεις εβδομάδες για θεραπεία του καρκίνου από τον οποίο πάσχει.
Το αίτημα αυτό υποβάλλεται σε μια στιγμή που κυκλοφορούν φήμες ακόμη και για το ότι ο Τσάβες έχει πέσει σε κώμα, καθώς η πολυήμερη θεραπεία του και η απουσία επίσημης ενημέρωσης εντείνουν την σχετική ανησυχία για την κατάσταση της υγείας του.

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